Cecil's Sprocket Holes
Story of my life
zondag, maart 08, 2009
Pic du jour
About Cecil
Cecil B. Demented is 26 jaar, woont en werkt in Brussel. Cecil houdt van: Europese film, hippe muziek, niet-hippe muziek, steden, mensen in steden, musea, Disneyland, Expo '58... Cecil houdt niet van: rechts, rechtser en extreem rechts, nerds, Micro$oft, Hollywoodfilms,...Current Mood
suicidal <--------X> happytoday's bitch degree: 6.0/10
on CD: "Betcha Bottom Dollar" - The Puppini Sisterson DVD: "Ally McBeal"
on PS2: "Singstar Legends"
on PSP: "Killzone Liberation"
Cake van de week
Nigella's Clafoutis - Nigella's How To Be A Domestic Goddess
Pixel Entertainment
Filmed Entertainment
Tijdelijk onbeschikbaarBloglinks
- Piglet
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- Robtheblob.nl
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- Hullabaloo
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- detender@media
- a sampler of things
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Cool things
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- Buddha Bar
- Ian Schrager Hotels
Food links
- Soepplus
- Strofilia
- Coeur d'Artichaut
- La Manufacture
- Belga Queen
- De Blauwe Zalm
- Häagen-Dazs
- Godiva
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